Euroa bowls club welcomes it’s newest pennant playing members!
This year the Euroa bowls club would like to say welcome to our newest pennant playing members. With three of our new members being first time bowlers. It is a joy to watch these newest recruits not only dive head first into the games of bowls, but into being active members of the club. With Peta Webster (2nd left), Janneke Kruger (2nd right) and Mark Jervies (far right) all having played their first pennant games. It has been a pleasure to have you on board with us. Jeremy ‘Jezza’ Boruch (far left) has joined us from Benalla bowls club, and brings much experience and finesse with himself into the division 1 side.
Seeing how easily these new members have slipped into the fabric of the very club has been absolutely amazing, what I would like to say to each one of these members on behalf of the club. Is to enjoy your bowls, keep practicing and to enjoy the friendships that you will make along your bowls journey.